cANAda pAULA brasil

price: $254.00 CAD  
included: lunch & snack
Saturday: 10 am - 4 pm
Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm

2 days workshop:  
Sep 23 & 24


You will love use scraps to create an amazing Art Quilt. Can you image a Portrait Confetti? You will also have you considering tone variations and colours contrast in your quilt. Ana teaches useful ways to use scrap fabrics in your quilt. Come join the experience of creating your unique art quilt. This workshop way too much fun!

Quilting supplies should be purchased in advance of the first class. 
Supply list after purchased confirmation.
Require sewing machine 

Please send me YOUR favourite self portrait photo at my email address with the name of the workshop “ SELF PORTRAIT” in the subject so that I can customize your photo and you enjoy more.